Simplysolve's homepage
This is the simplysolve's homepage, from here you can access the different sections of the site
Here, you can see a brief description of the goal of this tool
The menu
By clicking on this button, a menu will appear from the rightern side of your screen, enabling you to see all the sections of the site and navigate towards those easily
Contradictions matrix
This button will lead you to the page in which you can create your own contradictions matrix
Substance-field analysis
This button will lead you to the page that enables you to create your own substance-fiels analysis from different models you can choose
Miniature Dwarfs
This buuton will lead you to a page on which you can describe your solution concept using diverse methods, one of those being the use of miniature dwarfs
Modify an existing work
Those buttons enable you to load an existing work in order to work on it