Julie de Clermont, GE4 - Sabrina Desjobert, GM4 - Léna Doguet, GC4
System for reducing plastic pollution in the sea
I. Introduction
II. Initial concept
III. Ambitions
IV. Solutions
V. Conclusion
VI. Bibliography
I. Introduction
This semester, we chose the elective course Inventive Design and Innovation to improve our skills in innovation and reflexions about problems to solve. During this semester, we handled the TRIZ method and its tools to try to improve a selected system. We wanted to challenge us by choosing a subject close to a real cause affecting our life. We focused on a global problem : the sea pollution. Then, we focused on the plastic pollution, which, unfortunately, does not stop growing.
II. Initial system
We began by researching what exist already in this field.
We found mainly 2 systems.
a. The SeaCleaners : The Manta
“The Manta is the first seagoing vessel capable of collecting and processing in continuous flow large quantities of macro plastic waste floating at the surface of oceans.”
The project of the Manta and its technology is detailed on the website of the association SeaCleaners (https://www.theseacleaners.org/en) .
We can list the strong points of the actual design:
The boat is manoeuvrable in order to reach efficiently polluted areas.
The project tries to limit the global carbon footprint, maximizing the energy self-sufficiency and using a part of renewable energy. The electricity used comes from generators but also from sustainable sources. More, the boat uses also its sails to be propelled.
The storage capacity is huge: 150 tons
There is a waste -to-energy unit installed on board, which convert a part of collected waste gas, oils or electricity.
But this project also presents its cons:
The Manta needs a crew: it is not an autonomous system
The plastics collected are those at the surface but not in the depths
The system does not collect microplastics
The boat is huge so we cannot imagine building several of this.
The boat has to be integrated to the marine traffic
The boat is visible and impacts the marine fauna and flora
Nowadays, the SeaCleaners is testing prototypes in collecting systems, automatized rigging and waste-to-energy units. The aim deadline for the first real activation of the Manta and collection campaigns is the year 2023.
b.A robotic vacuum ship : The Sea Vax
This prototype is developed since 2015 by Bluebird Marine Systems.
The project of the Sea Vax and its technology is detailed on the website of Bluebird (https://www.bluebird-electric.net/oceanography/Ocean_Plastic_International_Rescue/SeaVax_Ocean_Clean_Up_Robot_Drone_Ship_Sea_Vacuum.htm).
We can list the strong points of the actual design:
Huge generation of its proper energy thanks to sustainable energy production
Smaller system than the Manta, which can be send in mission everywhere: it is more realistic to imagine a serial production of this system
Autonomous system once in the sea
The littlest size of the plastics collected is smaller than with the Manta
And the cons:
Smaller collected and storage capacity: 50 tons
The plastics collected are those at the surface but not in the depths
Catches fishes and planktons
After studying manly these solutions,among some ithers, we had a better idea of the actual technologies. We saw their strengths and weaknesses and we thought about what we wanted to improve through our work.
III. Ambitions
Based on what existed, we implemented the TRIZ method. We let ourselves be led by the tool.
First, it conducts us to define the “contradictions” of the actual system. From that, we define our actual objectives for our innovation. We can list below the criteria that we really want to appear in our final product:
Microplastics collected
System ability to progress in depth
Autonomous system once on the water
Sustainable energy
No impact on the marine flora and fauna
Obviously, we also wanted to improve all the strengths of the actual systems and to suppress weaknesses.
Led by the TRIZ method all the semester, we progressed step by step until being able to offer some solutions.
We will not reexplain the TRIZ approach nor our progression because it is accessible on our PICC page’s, accessible with this link : https://picc.inventivedesign.unistra.fr
IV. Solutions
Once arrived at the TRIZ MATRIX, we investigated a lot about new technologies and ideas that could help us, focused mainly on the first principles. From theses technical research and reading of scientific articles (see bibliography), we discovered new things in development, which can be useful to answer some problematics raised by our system. We inspired ourselves of our research and used discoveries to improve our system. Thanks to that, we designed several solutions, which are reachable on our PICC. Some of them are focused on a particular part of the system that we wanted to improve (the “wind turbine base” is focused on the energy production, "the plastic’s eater” is focused on the microplastics treatment...).
As the TRIZ method asked, each of us evaluated our solutions and finally, the solution which solves most of the problems and contradiction is the “the sea’s hooover”
But all our solutions have their pros and cons (reachable on each solution, “advantages, disadvantages and risks”), as existing systems.
We could imagine a “super final solution” binder all the bests point in order to innovate the “perfect solution” but doing that will certainly raise new issues.
Nevertheless, the association of new innovative technologies and scientific discoveries led us to innovate a solution which answer of all the ambitions we had for our system:
There are different ways to collect microplastics in depth,
Our system is autonomous,
There are also different ideas to work thanks to renewable energy (in the existing and in new technologies)
We made an effort to include the protection of the marine fauna and flora during the development of our solutions
Now, the practical feasibility should be investigated to know if the realization of such a system is possible and at what cost. More, the point of view of expert engineers could help to optimize the solution and design it rightly.
To conclude this report, we can take an overview on this Inventive Design and Innovation course. We familiarized ourselves with the TRIZ method, which start from an existing product and led designers to innovate without any ideas about where to aim. It is a powerful tool with a systematic approach for defining challenging problems and solved it. It is helpful to stimulate creation of ideas and orientate research.
We implement this method through a real system, used in the field of ecology, a cause very dear to us. We succeeded in the creation of final solutions, solving several problems and contradictions. Now, we should conduct advanced studies about the feasibility. We also should learn more about the new technologies we want to use, their compatibilities and their utilization in our precise conditions, the technical details required, the practical realization, the design of the system, the cost...
Finally, this study showed us that there is a lot to do in this field of innovation, the existing systems only being at the state of prototype or, in the case of our problem, the deep-plastic-collecting, still not existing.
VI. Bibliography
Here are the resources our study is based on:
Sea Cleaner : https://www.theseacleaners.org/en
Reseaches : https://www.techniques-ingenieur.fr/actualite/articles/pollution-micro-plastiques-32900/
Bubble barrier : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMRusLzTOwk
Detection and quantification of microplastics : https://www.eurofins.fr/agroalimentaire/actualités/newsletter-agroalimentaire-france/focus-agroalimentaire-62-janvier-
Agglomeration and subsequent removal of microplastics :
Wasser 3.0 : Mikroplastikentfernung : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svwN4pamXAg
Large resources of differents thesis and researches about microplastics : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02100687/document
P70 : EASYLIFT : better detection of microplastics
P71 : Effectiveness of distinct methods for isolation of microplastics in freshwater systems
P99 : A deeper look into the biodegradation of microplastics through metabolomics approach.
P100 : Beyond oil degradation: Enzymatic potential of Alcanivorax strain to degrade other natural and synthetic polymers Vinko Zadjelovic
P.127 : Identification of microplastic particles and fibers using vibrational spectroscopy coupled to multivariate analysis
P174 : Fingerprinting of chemicals released from plastic polymers by UV-light
P.373 : Microplastics in freshwater systems ( southeast Poland) - preliminary results
P.397 : A protocol to successfully extract DNA from different polymers to investigate microbial diversity and the capacity of polymers to spread harmful marine micro-organisms
P.399 : A Comparison between chemical and enzymatic digestion for the analysis of microplastics in plankton
P.400 : Direct determination of antimony in microplastics by ultrasonic slurry sampling and electrothermal atomization atomic absorption spectrometry
P.401 : The use of Polysorbate 20 as an ”optimizer” component in the alkaline digestion of fatty fish digestive tract for microplastic extraction
Inventive Design & Innovation I4 - System for reducing plastic pollution in the sea